
From Here to There - Lesson 1

Before starting any journey, you must acknowledge your starting point.

Let’s define the “Here” together.

Be honest with yourself. What position are you in right now? As you stand on the sidelines watching other people leaving on their journey, where exactly are you? How are you feeling?

Most people will ignore their present situation, but you are not most people. You want to change things, so let’s do something different. Let’s actually acknowledge where you are. Name this place and be ok with it for now. You do not want to stay here, but you must honestly define this place so that you can move away from it.

Most likely, you have a destination in mind of where you want to go or where you want to be. This is great! But, before we move toward that destination, we need to acknowledge where you are now so we can create a plan to get you from “Here” to “There.”

Do a little introspective searching right now. Think about your current situation and define it. You can be as detailed or vague as you like, but you must define your starting point on this journey. Where is “Here” for you?

As we get started, make sure to download the From “Here” to “There” Workbook. You will use this to guide you through each lesson


Complete LESSON 1 EXERCISE in the From “Here” to “There” — Digital Course Workbook before moving to the next lesson.


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