Now that you have defined where “Here” is, we must determine what is keeping you in this place. You will need to be honest and determine the root of the issue.
Moving forward and accomplishing a dream or goal can be daunting at times. Each of us is different, and the thing holding us back may be as small as a pebble or as large as a boulder. Whatever it is that is holding you back is all that should matter to you. Do not worry about anyone else right now. Consider what has been holding you back from lasting change, and do the brave thing: name it.
No matter what is holding you back, name what it is. It could be as simple as the bad habit of procrastnation or as complex as a chronic illness. You must acknowledge whatever it is and realize you can move forward from here.
Complete LESSON 2 EXERCISE in the From “Here” to “There” — Digital Course Workbook before moving to the next lesson.
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