
From Here to There - Lesson 5

Creating an effective plan requires strategy.

Imagine the last stop before you reach your final destination (“There.”)

Ask yourself, “Where must I go, and what must happen before I can cross the finish line?” Continue this process in a backward fashion until you arrive at your starting point (“Here.”)

This process helps you to realize actual “checkpoints” or goals that need to be completed before you can finalize your plans. As you plan backward, the checkpoints and goals will seem more manageable and more accessible as they get closer to your starting point.

Ensure each “checkpoint” has a completion date for which to aim. These completion dates will keep you focused on making progress towards that final goal.

This exercise is going to take some creativity and strategy. You can have a few “checkpoints,” or you can have a long list. It is totally up to you!

This is YOUR plan. You can do this!

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The exercise in this lesson can be one of the most challenging parts of this course. This step in the planning process is too important to ignore.

If you need help, please book a FREE 30-minute coaching call.

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Complete LESSON 5 EXERCISE in the From “Here” to “There” — Digital Course Workbook before moving to the next lesson.


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